Detects potholes on road surfaces for improving vehicle safety and maintenance.
Detects and recognizes traffic signs in real-time to improve driver assistance systems.
A system that analyzes scenes and detects weather conditions for better decision-making.
Upscaling algorithms for processing 32-layer LiDAR data for better accuracy and performance.
Automating the testing of Android UI components for improving software quality and user experience.
Assembling, environment creation, and fine-tuning for NVIDIA Jetson for AI applications.
A system for detecting anomalies in neural networks and editing input images to correct wrong predictions.
Improving the neural network by adding synthetic data to the training dataset. Identifying weaknesses in a Machine Learning Model.
The purpose of this research is to enhance super-resolution (upscale) quality for characters and numbers in games.
The objective was to streamline the process of editing scripts for testing purposes.
The purpose of this research is to find duplicate tickets in a ticketing system.
Businesses can intervene in early detecting of anomalies from sensors.
A face recognition system for driver monitoring and identification to enhance security and personalization.